
Employment & Discrimination Seminar – Thursday 4th October @ the Watershed, Bristol



Thursday 4th October 2018

The Watershed, Cannons Road, Bristol


Full delegate rate = £50.00 + VAT
There is also a further discount of 20% off the full delegate rate available for multiple bookings of two or more from the same firm.

This seminar picks up on some of the key developments in employment law over the last year, taking a look at some of the more thorny and complex issues and providing practical and tactical tips for practitioners at all levels.

The first two plenary sessions focus on what the Team considers are hot topics, the first talk will deal with whistleblowing, an area of law which has developed significantly in recent years, the second providing practical guidance when advising on either side of the line in unfair dismissal claims.

There is then a choice of three workshops, aimed at enabling practitioners to gain a greater understanding of areas most relevant to their own case-loads.


9:15 Registration & Breakfast

10:00 Welcome

10:05 Whistleblowing: alive and kicking or on the road to long-term extinction?’ – Debbie Grennan, Guildhall Chambers

20 years after PIDA came into force, what has really happened in the whistle-blowing arena? How have the courts interpreted these provisions and to what effect? Is this a fertile area for future growth in employment litigation, with protections growing ever-stronger? Or are we on the road to this being a little-used and frequently ineffective cause of action? In this detailed and practical analysis, Debbie will get to the root of what our whistleblowing law really means for employers and employment lawyers, in the modern workplace.

10:50 Unfair Dismissal Myth-busting – Nick Smith, Guildhall Chambers

Commonly litigated but frequently misunderstood. Nick will provide practical guidance on the issues that are commonly faced before and after dismissals have taken place and the practical steps that can be taken to maximise prospects of success when claims are brought.



(1) Business Protection workshop – Douglas Leach and James Wibberley
In an interactive workshop, Douglas and James will consider some of the common issues that arise when departing employees enter into competition, including the tracing of preparatory steps, what constitutes “confidential information” owned by the employer, and the misuse of it via social media.

(2)What is work? : the why and the when.- Geraint Probert
When you clock off, does work stop? Can contractors claim holiday pay? If you travel, are you being underpaid? This workshop will look at problems that arise when working time rules meet modern employment practices, with a focus on sleeping-in staff, holiday pay claims and peripatetic workers.

(3) No more “me too” – avoiding sexual harassment in the workplace – Allan Roberts
A practicalworkshop exploring the cultures and behaviours which are likely to give rise to complaints and claims of sexual harassment. What can a business do to challenge and effectively tackle such behaviours, particularly when they are deeply ingrained, and what strategies can be adopted to avoid liability and potential reputational damage, when things go wrong?

If time permits, please feel free to stay and join the team for a light lunch, and to ask any further questions raised by the day’s programme.

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