We have adopted a specialist team approach to our practices for many years. We feel that this is the way our clients want us to work, and that specialisation leads to the provision of a better service.
The M-Shed, Princes Wharf, Bristol, BS1 4RN.
Welcome to our latest annual claimant seminar. This year members will present talks on a wide range of topics including: workplace bullying, future earnings after Billett, the European context of RTA claims and fundamental dishonesty. We will also provide a detailed CPR and substantive law update, as well as two in depth workshops on expert evidence and fatal accidents.
Comprehensive written materials, refreshments and lunch will be provided.
This annual event is usually heavily over-subscribed and so whilst we will do everything we can to accommodate all who wish to come, we regret it may be that we will be unable to do so. Please do, therefore, register your interest using the link below and we will inform you by email how many spaces your firm has been allocated by Wednesday 11th November via email.
Completion of the booking form does not guarantee a place.
Mark Littler and Jim Keenan of Keith Borer Consultants.
Graham Lewis of Lansdown Place Wealth Management and Dan Looney of St James’s Wealth Management.
The conference is accredited with 5.5 CPD points (Training reference 1383).
This seminar is free of charge to attend.
9.10: Welcome – Julian Benson, Guildhall Chambers
9.15: The use and value of incident data recorders – Jim Keenan, Keith Borer Consultants
Aspects of collision investigation involving motorcycles – Mark Littler, Keith Borer Consultants
10.30: Fraud and dishonesty in modern PI litigation – Matthew Porter-Bryant, Guidhall Chambers
11.00: Future loss of earnings – where are we post Billet? – Julian Benson, Guildhall Chambers
11.30: 10 MINUTE BREAK
11.40: Developments in substantive law and CPR – Martin Lanchester, Daniel Neill, Sophie Holme and James Bentley, Guildhall Chambers
12.40 LUNCH
13.40: Practical finanical solutions for solicitors – Graham Lewis, Lansdown Wealth Management and Dan Looney, St James Wealth Management
Please indicate your choice of workshop when registering your interest.
15.40: EU Law and RTA Claims – Gabriel Farmer, Guildhall Chambers
16.10: Workplace bullying: A Practical approach – Tom Panton, Guildhall Chambers
16.40: CLOSE
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A member of the clerking team will help you resolve your request.