
Commercial Seminar, At The M-Shed – 15th October 2015


Thursday 15th October 2015 

The M-Shed, Princes Wharf, Wapping Road, Bristol, BS1 4RN

The Commercial Team are delighted to announce they will be hosting their eighth annual seminar on Thursday 15th October 2015, at the M-Shed in Bristol, with The Hon Mr Justice Flaux, Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court, attending as a keynote speaker.

This year’s seminar includes talks on corporate wrongdoing, negligence, professional negligence and unjust enrichment, as well as (an innovation for this year) four industry focus workshop sessions (on consumer credit, competition, guarantees and tax mitigation & unregulated collective investment schemes). We hope the venue and the workshops will facilitate an interactive seminar and enable delegates to gain knowledge on key practice areas as well as meet members of the team in areas of special interest.

We are also delighted to welcome guest speakers from Burges Salmon, Foot Anstey and Corvinus Capital, who will be joining members of the Commercial Team in giving presentations at the seminar and participating in workshop discussions. His Honour Judge Havelock-Allan QC, Bristol District Registry Mercantile Judge, will be chairing the seminar.

Comprehensive materials and refreshments will be provided, including an early lunch.


The conference is accredited with 3 CPD points (Training reference: 1383).


Normal delegate rate: £95.00 + VAT per delegate.
Group discount – 20% (for 2 or more bookings from the same firm): £76.00 + VAT per delegate.



9.30: Chairman’s address – His Honour Judge Havelock-Allan QC, Bristol District Registry Mercantile Judge

9.45: Keynote address – Mr Justice Flaux, Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court  

10.00: Responsibility for corporate wrongdoing – where are we now? – Neil Levy & Stefan Ramel, Guildhall Chambers

  • Companies Act 2006 & changes made by the 2015 Acts
  • Attribution of knowledge to companies
  • Illegality as a defence to company claims

10.30: Negligence & Professional Negligence – after the lender-claim rush – Hugh Sims QC, Guildhall Chambers and Andrew Burnette, Burges Salmon

  • Market trends in commercial & residential lender claims against professionals
  • New categories of defendant following Sebry v The Registrar of Companies
  • Damages & measuring loss


11.30: Misdirected funds, unjust enrichment and restitution – claims and remedies – Gerard McMeel & James Wibberley, Guildhall Chambers

12.10: LUNCH


From the list below please indicate on the booking form your 1st and 2nd workshop choices:

  1. Consumer Credit: the courts & unfair relationships regime
    Lucy Walker & Ross Fentem, Guildhall Chambers
  2. Competition law: Consumer Rights Act 2015 * implications for competition damages actions
    Jorren Knibbe, Guildhall Chambers & Marc Shrimpling, Foot Anstey
  3. Guarantees: the claim & defendant perspective
    James Hannant & Holly Doyle, Guildhall Chambers
  4. Professional Negligence: Tax mitigation and Unregulated Collective Investment Schemes
    John Virgo & Jay Jagasia, Guildhall Chambers and Martin Berkeley of Corvinus Capital

Workshop groups are limited by numbers. In the event that your choice(s) of workshop group is full you may be allocated to another workshop.

13.30: FINISH

To view our terms and conditions please click here.

If you have any questions about the seminar, or any other Guildhall Chambers events, please contact the Marketing Team on 0117 930 9000 or email [email protected].

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