We have adopted a specialist team approach to our practices for many years. We feel that this is the way our clients want us to work, and that specialisation leads to the provision of a better service.
Guildhall’s Personal Injury Team are pleased to present their annual seminar for Defendant lawyers, insurers and claims handlers at the M-Shed, Bristol on Thursday 16th June 2016.
It will be a free of charge, full-day seminar including presentations on Negligence and Occupiers’ Liability, Causation and Material Contribution, and Claims against Landlords (the Defective Premises Act). The afternoon session will feature workshops covering the Claims Portal and Pre-action Battlegrounds.
We are also delighted to welcome Dr Neal Edwards, Consultant in Pain Management, as our guest speaker, delivering his talk “CRPS and Pain Management – the medical expert’s perspective”.
The day will conclude with a personal injury case law update, followed by drinks on the terrace.
Please note that this event is usually heavily over-subscribed. We will do everything we can to accommodate all who wish to come. Please therefore register your interest as soon as possible, and we shall inform you by 1st June whether you have been allocated a place.
9.15: Negligence and Occupier’s Liability – Anthony Reddiford, Guildhall Chambers
10.00: CRPS and Pain Management – the medical expert’s perspective – Dr Neal Edwards
11.20: Causation: ‘Material Contribution’ or ‘But for’? – Gabriel Farmer, Guildhall Chambers
12.15: Claims against landlords – the Defective Premises Act – Tom Panton, Guildhall Chambers
13.00: LUNCH
When booking please indicate your 1st and 2nd workshop choices from the list below:
(1) Costs: Portal Problems and Fast Track Fixes – Matthew Porter-Bryant and James Bentley
(2) Pre-action battlegrounds – Martin Lanchester and Abigail Stamp
15.30: Case Updates – Martin Lanchester, Guildhall Chambers
The conference is accredited with 5 CPD points (Training Reference number: 1383).
This seminar is free of charge.
Terms and conditions
We reserve the right to vary the content, timetable, location or speakers; or to cancel the seminar totally in which case we will refund any payment made in respect of the cancelled conference. Neither the members of Guildhall Chambers nor the speakers will be liable by reason of breach of contract, negligence or otherwise for any loss or consequential loss incurred by any person acting or omitting to act in reliance upon material or presentation given at or in connection with the event. Please be advised that places are limited so please book early to guarantee a place.
Registering your interest does NOT guarantee a place. We will inform you by email how many spaces your firm has been allocated by 1st June via email.
Confirmation of registration
If you have not received confirmation of your registration one week before the conference, please telephone 0117 930 9000 to confirm that your registration form has been received.
Substitute delegates
Substitute delegates will be accepted at any time – please telephone 0117 930 9000 to let us know the name of the substitute.
CPD Accreditation
Under the Law Society’s CPD scheme and the Bar Council’s New and Established Practitioners’ Programme the conference is accredited with 5 CPD points (ID reference number: 1383). The seminar will also contribute to CPD requirements under the terms of the ICAEW’s CPD policy.
If you have any questions about the seminar, or any other Guildhall Chambers events, please contact the Marketing Team on 0117 930 9000 or [email protected].
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