
Employment & Discrimination Seminar @ The MShed


Thursday 9th November 2017 @ The MShed, Bristol

This seminar picks up on some of the key developments in employment law over the last year, taking a look at some of the more thorny and complex issues and providing practical and tactical tips for practitioners at all levels.

The two plenary sessions focus on discrimination, the first dealing with indirect discrimination, an area of law which has carried uncertainty for some time, the second dealing with how to prove and disprove discrimination claims.

There is then a choice of three workshops, aimed at enabling practitioners to gain a greater understanding of areas most relevant to their own case-loads.

Receive 20% off the full delegate price if two or more delegates attend from the same firm.


The conference is accredited with 3 CPD points (Training reference 1383).


Normal delegate rate: £50.00 + VAT per delegate

Group 20% discount rate (for 2 or more bookings from the same firm)



10:00 Welcome

10:05 Indirect discrimination revisited – Douglas Leach, Guildhall Chambers

For some time, particularly in situations where other claims may be available, indirect discrimination has perhaps been a less popular option, due to its perceived complexity and difficulty. Recent developments may change that. 
Douglas Leach will examine each element of the cause of action, taking in the often vexed issue of the identification of the PCP, establishing particular disadvantage, and the defence of objective justification

10:50 Proving and disproving discrimination claims – Allan Roberts, Guildhall Chambers

Allan will provide insights into the latest developments in these areas, including: applying the burden of proof in the light of Efobi v Royal Mail Group Ltd, an analysis of the “something more” test and the use of statistics and other indirect evidence.



Workshop 1: Employment Appeals: Crafting successful outcomes in the EAT and beyond
Nicholas Smith, Guildhall Chambers

The team’s most senior practitioner will deliver a workshop focusing on the strategic and practical issues raised when appealing employment decisions. Topics will include identifying errors of law in apparently sound decisions, drafting compelling Grounds of Appeal and Answers, understanding exactly what is required during sift processes and effective preparation for full hearings.

Workshop 2: Costs, costs and more costs: tactical considerations in seeking and defending cost applications in the ET, EAT and Court of Appeal
Julian Allsop, Guildhall Chambers and Allison Cook, VWV Solicitors, Bristol

Julian and Allison will present an engaging, practical session which will focus on the tactical and procedural considerations that litigants on both sides of the line should bear in mind when costs are in issue, and how to achieve the best results.

Workshop 3: Remedies: Psychiatric injury and injury to feelings in the Employment arena
Suzanne Staunton and Geraint Probert, Guildhall Chambers

This interactive workshop will grapple with some of the more complex areas where claims for psychiatric injuries and/or injury to feelings are brought. As well as exploring the changes to the Vento Guidelines and the often vexed area of how to deal with overlapping awards, Suzanne and Geraint will also consider how practitioners can best make use of Judicial College Guidelines and earlier analagous cases, in the employment arena. This will include a    consideration of various factors affecting the value of awards, including the best use of expert evidence, inflation and uplifts.

13:00 LUNCH
If time permits, please feel free to stay and join the team for a light lunch, and to ask any further questions raised by the day`s programme.




Terms and conditions
We reserve the right to vary the content, timetable, location or speakers; or to cancel the seminar totally in which case we will refund any payment made in respect of the cancelled conference. Neither the members of Guildhall Chambers nor the speakers will be liable by reason of breach of contract, negligence or otherwise for any loss or consequential loss incurred by any person acting or omitting to act in reliance upon material or presentation given at or in connection with the event. Please be advised that places are limited so please book early to guarantee a place. The fee for this seminar includes a comprehensive conference folder, lunch and all other refreshments.


Booking terms
Please send a cheque with your form or wait to be invoiced. A VAT invoice will be sent to you on receipt of your booking form/details. All invoices for this seminar must be paid within 30 days of the invoice date. Cheques are made payable to Guildhall Chambers. Unfortunately we are unable to take online payments at this time.


Confirmation of registration
If you have not received confirmation of your registration one week before the conference, please telephone 0117 930 9000 to confirm that your registration form has been received.

Substitute delegates
Substitute delegates will be accepted at any time – please telephone 0117 930 9000 to let us know the name of the substitute.

Provided notice is received at least 48 hours before the seminar, the seminar fee will be refunded less a £20 (+VAT) administration charge.


CPD Accreditation
Under the Law Society’s CPD scheme and the Bar Council’s New and Established Practitioners’ Programme the conference is accredited with 3 CPD points (Training reference:1383). The seminar will also contribute to CPD requirements under the terms of the ICAEW’s CPD policy.


If you have any questions about the seminar, or any other Guildhall Chambers events, please contact the Marketing Team on 0117 930 9000 or [email protected].




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