
Guildhall Chambers shares best practice alongside Prime Minister Theresa May in The Parliamentary Review


Guildhall Chambers appears alongside the Prime Minister in The Parliamentary Review – a series of documents published by Westminster Publications Ltd with the aim of sharing knowledge and raising standards.

Christopher Quinlan QC, Selena Plowden and Richard Ascroft all contributed to the review, discussing the key opportunities and challenges they envisage for Guildhall and the Bar in the coming years within their specific areas of expertise.

Established by former minister The Rt Hon David Curry in 2010, The Parliamentary Review’s release is now a key fixture in the political calendar.

Guildhall Chambers features alongside a small number of outstanding organisations in a document that looks back on the year in the legal sector and Westminster. The main aim of the Review is to showcase best practice as a learning tool to the public and private sector.

Across all policy areas, The Parliamentary Review is sent to over half a million leading policy makers, stakeholders in industry and other relevant individuals. The articles in the Review act as both a blueprint for success and a template for reform.

The Prime Minister commented that ‘this year’s Parliamentary Review follows a significant year in British politics’ and this is reflected in the articles from leading journalists and best practice representatives alike.

The PM’s former cabinet colleague, Sir Eric Pickles, Chairman of the Review, said “it has never been more important for government to hear the views of business and the public sector in a constructive forum. It is also a vital time to share best practice and progress.”

The Parliamentary Review’s executive director Daniel Yossman concurred, saying “Guildhall Chambers and other hardworking organisations from across the country have come together to make the Review possible.”

An e-copy of The Parliamentary Review can be viewed here.


Christopher Quinlan KC

Christopher Quinlan KC

Call: 1992 Silk: 2011

Selena Plowden KC

Call: 1991 Silk: 2020

Richard Ascroft

Call: 1995

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