
Employment: Covid-19, furlough and potential claims


Date: 21 April 2020

Where: Comfort of your living room

Time: 10:00am and 4:00pm

Cost: Free

The Covid-19 pandemic is having significant industrial relations consequences and Covid-19 prompted claims will already be finding their way to the Employment Tribunal, which will by no means only relate to the evolving Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (“furlough”).

To consider the areas where more substantial individual claims are arising and are likely to arise, we invite you to join us for a thought-provoking seminar via Microsoft Teams. A presentation on the key legal issues ripe for litigation will be followed by an open forum Q & A session using the Teams “chat” function.

Some of the issues that the team will explore are:

  • Health and safety detriment and automatically unfair dismissal
  • Whistleblowing
  • Selection for furlough or redundancy: discrimination claims
  • Implementation of furlough, the contract of employment and wages
  • Interplay between furlough and TUPE
  • Consultation obligations

The seminar will be accessible via a link to Guildhall Chambers’ Microsoft Teams online software.

Please complete the booking form below should you wish to register for your free place.

We will be in touch to ask you for your preferred time slot.

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