Lucy Northeast
Practice Director - Crime & Sports
0117 930 9000
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We have adopted a specialist team approach to our practices for many years. We feel that this is the way our clients want us to work, and that specialisation leads to the provision of a better service.
Lucy Northeast
Practice Director - Crime & Sports
0117 930 9000
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Grant Bidwell
Practice Manager - Crime
0117 930 9000
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Shannon Cregg
Practice Manager - Crime
0117 930 9000
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Ramin Pakrooh is a leading Crime Junior, with extensive experience in murder and other homicide cases.
He also practises in police disciplinary hearings, fatal road traffic accidents, and large scale drugs and firearm conspiracies.
Murder and other Homicide Offences
Ramin has acted in numerous murder trials, including multi-handed gang and drug related murders, killings within a context of domestic violence, women killing their male partner or co-habitees, and stranger killings.
Ramin has also acted in a range of cases involving manslaughter, attempted murder, and conspiracy to murder.
Disciplinary Tribunals
Ramin represents police officers facing gross misconduct proceedings at all levels, including those arising out of a death in police custody, the use of force, and matters of honesty and integrity.
Ramin specialises in defending and prosecuting cases where self-defence is an issue.
He has particular knowledge of the practical and technical aspects of violent confrontation and accompanying legal considerations, and has frequently successfully advanced and challenged defences where use of weapons (e.g. knife, machete, glass), natural weapons (e.g. biting, headbutting, kicking) and preemptive strikes have been deployed.
Fatal Road Traffic Cases
Ramin receives instructions in insurance backed motoring cases. He has experience in both defending and prosecuting cases involving fatal road traffic accidents, involving death by dangerous driving and death by careless driving.
R v E (2021)
Ramin was Junior Counsel in a murder trial, defending juvenile charged jointly with adults, where the victim was killed in full view of party goers at an outdoor silent disco.
R v J (2020)
Defended a mother charged jointly with the father with offences arising out of the non-accidental infliction of skull and rib fractures on their 11 week old baby.
R v L (2019)
Acted as Junior Counsel in a murder trial where the female defendant killed her partner following a day of violent confrontation between them in their home.
R v R (2018)
Junior counsel in murder case where the defendant murdered his wife following a breakdown in his mental health.
R v K (2018)
Acting as counsel in a murder case. The defendant was jointly charged with murder but faces trial on the charge of assisting an offender alleged to be the killer (pending).
R v P (2018)
Defending where the defendant is alleged to have jointly attacked and wounded with intent, the person who it is alleged, only minutes earlier had been jointly responsible for the murder of the defendant’s brother. The murder trial is to take place first, followed at its conclusion by the trial of the alleged revenge attack on the alleged killer (pending).
R v L (2018)
Acted as Junior Counsel, in a murder case. The defendant was a drug dealer who was attacked in a flat by armed rival drug dealers and killed one of his attackers.
R v K, T & M (2016-2017)
Junior counsel, successfully defending over the course of two trials a custody sergeant charged with the manslaughter (unlawful act and by gross negligence) of a detained person. The case involved many complex issues including a multifactorial cardiac death, police training in the use of force and restraint techniques, and regulations pertaining to the treatment of persons detained by the police.
R v CM (2017)
Ramin prosecuted at the trial of a teacher charged with wounding with intent, arising out of the biting off of part of his partner’s ear during a domestic argument.
R v A (2017)
Junior counsel, successfully defended in a cut-throat murder case where both the Crown and the co-defendant were jointly alleging that A was responsible as the principal killer of the deceased.
R v KW (2017)
Successfully defended in an allegation of attempted murder where it was alleged that the juvenile defendant, having been previously ‘taxed’ by an older male, subjected to him to a revenge attack with a sword causing partial limb severance.
R v VR (2017)
Junior counsel in a murder allegation where the female defendant killed the man who had subjected her to an unprovoked violent attack, and was acquitted of murder but convicted of manslaughter.
R v H (2017)
Junior counsel in a murder case where the defendant killed his close friend. Diminished responsibility was established.
R v E (2017)
Defended a juvenile charged with the attempted murder of man in his own home, a group attack, involving shooting and stabbing of the victim in front of his young daughter.
R v JB & Others (2016)
Junior counsel in a murder case for the 1st defendant, where multiple co-defendants were running cut-throat defences. There were complex legal issues involving anonymity of witnesses, challenging the validity of low-level DNA analysis, and the absence of effective peer review of new methodology and techniques.
R v G (2016)
Defended in a case where the defendant was alleged to have caused GBH with intent against a five year old victim.
R v C (2015)
Defended a juvenile in a case involving a murder arising out of a conspiracy to obtain a handgun. The case was later the subject of a channel 4 television program ‘The Murder Detectives’.
R v L (2015)
Prosecuted in a case involving multiple road traffic fatalities.
R v S (2015)
Junior counsel in a murder case involving a serious group attack on the victim in his own home. The attackers repeated the attack a week later after which the victim was found dead from liver failure caused by dehydration’. Causation (asserted through psychiatric evidence) was contested and the murder charge was dismissed at trial.
R v L (2014)
Successfully defended a member of 1% Motorcycle Club, charged with 7 others, in a case alleging conspiracy to murder and conspiracy to cause GBH with intent.
R v S (2014)
Junior Counsel in a murder case involving the killing of a stranger by a juvenile defendant.
R v RR (2014)
Defended in a manslaughter case where a female defendant was alleged to have killed elderly man by an accepted minor assault, which was followed by a cardiac death. Causation was the real issue in the case and upon application, the case was stopped at half-time following the implications of the evidence of multiple experts in cardiopathology.
R v S (2013)
Junior counsel in a murder case where the defendant alleged to have murdered his former wife following her disappearance and discovery.
R v F (2013)
Defended in a lengthy drugs conspiracy where handguns had been manufactured with onward supply into a class A drugs supply conspiracy.
R v C (2013)
Defended in a multi-handed heroin supply conspiracy.
R v S (2013)
Junior Counsel in amurder case involving a juvenile defendant and an attack on a stranger.
R v S (2013)
Instructed as Junior Counsel in murder where the defendant unlawfully killed his wife in their home. The issue of intent remained.
R v B (2013)
Defended in a fatal non-collision road traffic case.
R v H (2012)
Junior counsel in a murder case where a female defendant was acquitted after killing her partner. Self-defence was advanced. The Crown’s case had alleged that she had self-inflicted her injuries. Many issues arose including bad character (of the defendant and of the deceased), hearsay, and diminished responsibility.
R v T (2012)
Defended in a lengthy case concerning widespread multi-trial cocaine conspiracy.
Lucy Northeast
Practice Director - Crime & Sports
0117 930 9000
Click here to email
Grant Bidwell
Practice Manager - Crime
0117 930 9000
Click here to email
Shannon Cregg
Practice Manager - Crime
0117 930 9000
Click here to email
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