
London Costs Seminar


Wednesday 1st February 2017      

London Law Society, 113 Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1PL  

The Guildhall Chambers Costs and Litigation Funding team and Paragon Costs Solutions are pleased to announce that they will be hosting a Costs Seminar on 1st February 2017 at the Law Society, London.

We are delighted that Master Jason Rowley, Costs Judge at the Senior Courts Costs Office, will be our guest speaker. Master Rowley was admitted as a solicitor in 1991 and represented both claimants and defendants during his career. He has also been employed as a senior underwriting manager for a well known ATE insurer. He had been a deputy costs judge since 2006, as well as a High Court costs assessor, before being appointed as a costs judge in 2013.

Other speakers will be: Oliver Moore and James Wibberley of Guildhall Chambers; and Nicholas Lee and Lucy Baldwin of Paragon Costs Solutions.

The seminar will conclude with a panel session with the opportunity for questions.

The seminar will run from 3pm to 7pm (with registration from 2:30pm) to be followed by drinks and canapés. A full comprehensive programme will be published in due course.

Comprehensive materials and refreshments will be provided.

Spaces will be limited for this seminar so please book early to avoid disappointment

Comprehensive written materials, refreshments will be provided.


The conference is accredited with 3.5 CPD points (Training reference: 1383).


This seminar is FREE OF CHARGE to attend


Terms and conditions
We reserve the right to vary the content, timetable, location or speakers; or to cancel the seminar totally in which case we will refund any payment made in respect of the cancelled conference. Neither the members of Guildhall Chambers nor the speakers will be liable by reason of breach of contract, negligence or otherwise for any loss or consequential loss incurred by any person acting or omitting to act in reliance upon material or presentation given at or in connection with the event. Please be advised that places are limited so please book early to guarantee a place. The fee for this seminar includes a comprehensive conference folder, lunch and all other refreshments.

Confirmation of registration
If you have not received confirmation of your registration one week before the conference, please telephone 0117 930 9000 to confirm that your registration form has been received.

Substitute delegates
Substitute delegates will be accepted at any time – please telephone 0117 930 9000 to let us know the name of the substitute.

Please notify us by email should you no longer be able to attend.

CPD Accreditation
Under the Law Society’s CPD scheme and the Bar Council’s New and Established Practitioners’ Programme the conference is accredited with 3.5 CPD points (Training reference:1383). The seminar will also contribute to CPD requirements under the terms of the ICAEW’s CPD policy.

If you have any questions about the seminar, or any other Guildhall Chambers events, please contact the Marketing Team on 0117 930 9000 or [email protected].

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